That’s my face. Thankfully, the hair and beard looked good that day. It’s the little details that matter.

More facts, and how to reach me, await you below:

A Quick(ish) About Me:

Creative Storyteller / Copywriter / Content Marketer (before that term was fashionable).

Midwest born and raised, shaped in Las Vegas, currently on the West Coast.

I've used storytelling to help shape brands via articles, social media, video, etc. Leveraging creativity to solve problems and positively affect culture is my aim.

My interests boil down to storytelling and culture, be it film, music, fine art, fashion, etc. Relentless curiosity is my superpower. I sharpen it by following tech and cultural trends.


Random Facts And Clicky Things:

I concepted a Wieden and Kennedy-approved(ish) spec campaign, which ended up being praised by ex-W+K ECD Jason Bagley (proof available upon request).

In another life, I was the Online Editor for Independent Film Quarterly Magazine, specializing in interviews and reviews for specialty releases.

I'm a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Blue Belt, after enduring my own personal Fight Club for two years. It taught me to challenge what I’m capable of and embrace uncertainty.

For a selection of past writing work, click here.

For an idea of people and things that make me tick, click here.

How to get in touch.
(702) 788-5160

Current Resume (click to download)