Brooks Running: The Speed of Still


According to data, even runners hate running. Brooks’ customers won’t stop running any time soon, but they might not run as much.

Brooks Running can boost its customer retention and gain market share by creating its first connected fitness app to train runners how to consistently reach the meditative “runner’s high” state.

We’ll launch this app through an integrated campaign, “The Speed of Still”.

Art+Copy: Todd Konrad

Manifesto: The Speed of Still

OOH: Stillness In Motion


We can start teasing the app through an OOH campaign that plays with achieving a meditative state through running.

We can focus on getting billboard placements above freeways and high traffic areas to underscore the promise of slowing life down through movement.

Contextual Ads: The Most Natural High


One way we can start going after the new market share is by using contextual ads on marijuana publication sites.

Since the “runner’s high” biochemical basis are endocannabinoids, we can start planting the idea that running brings you the exact same high healthier and for free.

App: Kinetic Meditation

The app helps runners enter the “runner’s high” state. The app tracks your age-adjusted maximum heart rate while playing music that adjusts to your BPM.

Once you hit your target heart rate, the app goes into KM Mode, the music becomes ambient/drone, and the timer begins.

The runner’s body will then release the naturally produced endocannabinoids that are the “runner’s high” biological basis.

The longer you stay in KM Mode, the more gamified credit you’ll unlock from Brooks for additional offers, besides training yourself to reach “the runner’s high” consistently.


Product Extension: mDNA

We can create an option where a consumer’s KM Mode stats are transformed into data visualizations and turned into custom artwork or printed clothing.

The visualizations themselves could look like neural network diagrams or galactic configurations.

This would be another way to keep them invested in using the app and building word-of-mouth interest over time from people asking what these designs are.


Criterion Collection


DIY Ad School